Social Science Japan Journal

Table of Contents

Volume 12, Issue 2: November 2009.

General Articles

Past and Present Constraints on Labor Movements for Gender Equality in Japan
pp. 195-209

The Mercantile Response in the Meiji Period: Capital Accumulation by Merchants and the Government's Rejection of Foreign Capital
pp. 211-225

The Intellectual Culture of Postwar Japan and the 1968–1969 University of Tokyo Struggles: Repositioning the Self in Postwar Thought
pp. 227-245

Japan Brand Strategy: The Taming of ‘Cool Japan’and the Challenges of Cultural Planning in a Postmodern Age
pp. 247-266

Survey Article

An Exploratory Analysis of National Prestige Scores
TANABE Shunsuke
pp. 267-275

Review Essays

A Window on Trends and Shifting Interpretations of Youth Sexual Behaviour: The Japan Association of Sex Education’s ‘Wakamono no Sei’ Reports from 1975 to 2007
Beverley Anne YAMAMOTO
pp. 277-284

Book Reviews

Technology and the Culture of Progress in Meiji Japan by David G. Wittner. London: Routledge, 2008, 199 pp., $160.00 (hardback ISBN 978-0-415-43375-4)
pp. 285-288

The Culture of Japanese Fascism, edited by Alan Tansman. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009, 477 pp., $99.95 (hardcover ISBN 978-0-8223-4452-0), $27.95 (paperback ISBN 978-0- 8223-446-1)
pp. 288-292

Nihon Shisōshi Handobukku (A Handbook of Japanese Intellectual History), edited by Karube Tadashi and Kataoka Ryu. Tokyo: Shinshokan, 2008, 238 pp., ¥2,100 (ISBN 978-4-403-25094-1)
SATO Minako
pp. 292-294

Gakumon no Bōryoku: Ainu Bochi wa Naze Abakareta ka (The Violence of Scholarship: Why Were Ainu Graves Desecrated?), by Ueki Tetsuya. Yokohama: Shunpūsha, 2008, 275 pp., ¥2,381 (ISBN 978-4-86110-152-6)
pp. 294-297

Archéologie et Patrimoine au Japon, edited by Jean-Paul Demoule and Pierre-François Souyri.
Paris: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2008, vi + 148 pp., €21.00 (ISBN 978-2-7351-1160-2)

Arnaud NANTA
pp. 297-301

Mono to Otoko no Sengoshi (Things, Men, and Japan’s Postwar History), by Ishitani Jirō and Amano Masako. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2008, 309 pp., ¥2,800 (ISBN 978-4-642-07990-7)
Hirofumi KATSUNO
pp. 301-303

War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan, 1945–2007 , by Yoshiko Nozaki. London: Routledge Contemporary Japan Series, 2008, 224 pp., $150.00 (ISBN 978-0-415-37147-6)
Laura HEIN
pp. 303-306

Nihon no Daigakuseido—Rekishi to Tenbō(The Japanese University System: History and Future Prospects), by Kusahara Katsuhide. Tokyo: Kōbundō, 2008, 296 pp., ¥2,500 plus tax (ISBN 978-4-335-55115-4)
pp. 306-310

Bunka, Kotoba, Kyōiku: Nihongo/Nihon no Kyōiku no ‘Hyōjun’wo Koete (Culture, Language, Education: Beyond the Standardization of the Japanese Language and Japanese Education), edited by Satō Shinji and Doerr Neriko. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2008, 300 pp., ¥3,800 (ISBN 978-

SAITŌ Masami
pp. 310-313

Fighting for Foreigners: Immigration and Its Impact on Japanese Democracy, by Apichai W. Shipper. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008, 216 pp., $35.00 (ISBN 978-0-8014-4715-0)
pp. 314-317

Transcultural Japan: At the Borderlands of Race, Gender and Identity, edited by David Blake Willis and Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu. London: Routledge, 2008, 368 pp., $160.00 (hardcover ISBN 978-0-415-36890-2), $40.00 (paperback ISBN 978-0-415-39434-5)
Stephen Robert NAGY
pp. 317-320

Shifting Boundaries of the Firm: Japanese Company-Japanese Labour, by Mari Sako. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, 320 pp., $110.00 (hardback ISBN13 978-0-19-926816-0), 304 pp., $39.95 (paperback ISBN 978-0-19-954703-6)
Minjin LEE
pp. 320-323

Nihon Jidōsha Kigyō no Shigoto/Kanri/Rōshikankei: Kyōsō wo Ijisuru Soshiki Genri, (Organizational Principles for the Competitiveness of Automobile Companies), by Ishida Mitsuo, Tomita Yoshinori and Mitani Naoki. Tokyo: Chuō Keizaisha, 2009, 256 pp., ¥3000 (ISBN 978-4-502- 66590-5)
pp. 323-326

‘Freeter’ und ‘Generation Praktikum’—Arbeitswerte im Wandel? Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich (‘Freeter’ and ‘Generation Internship’—Changing Work Values? A German-Japanese Comparison), by Carola Hommerich. Munich: Iudicium (Monographs of the German Institute of Japanese Studies, No. 45), 2009, 293 pp., €35 (ISBN 978-3-89129-856-5)
pp. 326-329

Welfare and Capitalism in Postwar Japan: Party, Bureaucracy, and Business, by Margarita Estévez-Abe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, xv + 360pp., $27.99 (paperback ISBN978-0-521-72221-6), $80.00 (hardcover ISBN 978-0-521-85693-5)
pp. 329-335

Fukushi Seiji: Nihon no Seikatsu Hoshō to Demokurashī (Welfare Politics: Life Security and Democracy in Japan), by Miyamoto Tarō. Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2008, 230pp., ¥1,575 (ISBN 978-4- 641-17802-1)
pp. 335-337

Setainai Bunpai to Sedaikan Iten no Keizai Bunseki(Economic Analysis of Intra-household Distribution and Intergenerational Transfers), edited by Charles Yuji Horioka and The Institute for Research on Household Economics. Kyoto: Minerva Shobo, 2008, 176 pp., ¥3500 (ISBN 978-4-623-05227-1)
pp. 337-339

Kazoku Kyōtei no Hōshakaigaku-teki Kenkyū(A Treatise of Sociology of Law upon Family Agreements), by Ochi Keizō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppan Kai, 2007, 538 pp., ¥13,650 (hardcover ISBN 978-4-13-036132-3)
pp. 340-343
